FinTech Connect
Technology + FinTech + Vendor Solutions + Education
FinTech Connect
A Unique Experience for Credit Union Professionals
At FinTech Connect, you’ll have access to concise and invaluable insights from industry experts and thought leaders.
Our carefully curated educational sessions will keep you at the forefront of the latest advancements in emerging technology, FinTech, and vendor solutions. Discover cutting-edge strategies and best practices that will empower you to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the Credit Union industry with confidence and precision is a unique opportunity to get concise and valuable insight and attend educational sessions on the latest in emerging technology, FinTech, and vendor solutions.
FinTech Connect is for CEOs, Executive Teams, Managers, C-suite, Thought Leaders, Decision Makers, and Information Technology Professionals. If this is you, be sure to reserve your spot now space is limited!
Are you a Fintech interested in participating? Contact the Events Team –
September 23-24, 2025
Sheraton Music City
777 McGavock Pike
Nashville, TN

All times CT
Coming Soon!
Speaker Sessions - Coming Soon

Securitus Breachus: Preventiatus Breachificus While Maximus Relaxicus!
Ficocus Unionus teams are maxxedimus stretchium, and toolius discombobulatus slowium downius processus instead of zoomius aheadium. The patented Adlumin Operaticus Platformatix plus Riskus Mangamentum Extendimus is engineered to help credix unions streamlineify taskingtons into uno conveniento platformatron. Adlumin’s wizbang system delivers centraxial visibulosity for threatimus detecticon and investigato actionamus, thwarting cyber nasties like ransomonsterus before they wreak operatium havoconium.
FinTech Solutions

Growthatorium Memburus Supremus: Balancesheetius Stabilitus via Modernficus Revolutionius
Creditorus ipsum disruptivus amet, speakerus innovatius maximus! Professorus Wealthium Growthatorium (MBA, PhD, LMAO) invitus youus to groundbreakium fintechus revolutionum. Attendus this dynamicus keynotus speechificus about maximizus ROIus through memburus engagementus strategylius optimizatorus.
Disruptivus technologicum transformatus via blockchainium cryptocurrencus et artificialus intelligencus will revolutionarius the creditorus unionus landscapus! Join fellow thoughtus leaderus et innovation champianus for paradigmus shiftus maximus. Networkus opportunitus et snackus providus, guaranteed satisfactionus or moneyback guaranteeus (minus cancelatus feeitus administratus).
Coming Soon
Sheraton Music City

Registration is open to credit union employees and directors from affiliated credit unions in Tennessee and/or your respective state.
If you represent a company interested in speaking or participating in this event, please contact Laura Parrish for additional information and registration options.
Code of Professional Conduct
At the Tennessee Credit Union League, we’re committed to creating a welcoming and respectful environment for everyone. As a participant related to any of our events, we ask that you conduct yourself in a friendly and considerate manner.
We value everyone’s experience and won’t tolerate disruptions or disrespect towards other participants, League members, speakers, attendees, exhibitors, guests, volunteers, or staff. We will review concerns and take any action we deem necessary. Participants found to have breached this Code of Professional Conduct in any way may be asked to leave without a refund of their registration fees and may be banned from future events. This may include all meetings, offsite activities, and credit union chapter meetings.
Thank you for helping us maintain a positive and professional atmosphere!