Drive Innovation, Today and Tomorrow
Strategic planning is both an obligation and an opportunity. Credit unions who plan well, execute well and employ innovation are the ones you read about today … growing faster, staying more relevant and becoming financially stronger. What makes one credit union’s plan better than another? Often, it is about how you plan as much as […]
Health and Financial Well-Being: Two Good Things That Go Better Together
The National Credit Union Foundation (the Foundation) today released a special brief entitled, “Health and Financial Well-Being: Two Good Things That Go Better Together” describing the need for financial service and health care professionals to collaborate to improve outcomes for the individuals they serve. The Foundation is focused on improving the financial health of credit […]
There Are Risk-Free Options for Credit Unions to Offer What Members Want

More and more credit unions are getting into the credit card arena. Jumping into a new program can be scary, or at least overwhelming, with all the requirements of getting it set-up, initial fees, etc. However it’s becoming a resource many members want; some even demand when choosing a new financial resource to manage their […]
$1 Million Grant to Help ACFCU Revitalize Neighborhoods
A $1 million grant will help Appalachian Community Federal Credit Union (ACFCU) and partners to revitalize neighborhoods and allow more than 100 low and moderate-income families to purchase or renovate homes over the next five years in the greater Tri-Cities. The U.S. Treasury’s CDFI Fund’s “Capital Magnet Fund” award supports affordable housing activities that attract […]
ORNL FCU Celebrates 70th Anniversary
On August 6, ORNL Federal Credit Union (ORNL FCU) celebrated its 70th anniversary. The credit union has been honoring its past, present, and future throughout 2018 in a variety of ways, including the recent announcement of a special dividend. For the first time since 2005, ORNL FCU will issue a special dividend to members. The […]