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February TRGroup Trainings

The TRGroup is excited to offer various credit union training opportunities in February. These opportunities are hosted by our colleagues at the Kentucky Credit Union League.

Small CU Training: Basics of Credit Union Financials
Start Feb. 6

The Basics of Credit Union Financials course provides a foundation in basic accounting for individuals who have minimal or no college accounting or business background or need a refresher course on fundamentals. This course takes a look at financial statements and what makes them move. Credit union employees at all levels are encouraged to take this course.

The four-week course will start Tuesday, Feb. 6. Learn more about the Basics of Credit Union Financials.

Bankruptcy & Collections Training
Tuesday, Feb. 6, and Wednesday, Feb. 7

From understanding the virtual workflow to new ways to assess default risk and improving your collections calls to understanding your rights in bankruptcy, this informative and interactive session is sure to have something for you! It is never too late to sharpen your collections skills and better position your credit union to assist troubled members who want to work with you during these unprecedented times and maximize the recovery from everyone else.

Learn more about the Bankruptcy & Collections Training.

IRA Training
Tuesday, Feb. 13, and Wednesday, Feb. 14

The best way to show your commitment and success in an ever-changing retirement savings plan industry is to continue learning. Whether you are interested in learning the basics or want to explore more advanced topics, this training covers all aspects of IRA plans.

Learn more about the IRA Training.

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