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Local Legislators Attend Knoxville Area Chapter of Credit Unions Dinner

The Knoxville area Chapter of Credit Unions, in conjunction with the Tennessee Credit Union League, recently hosted a Legislative Appreciation Dinner. Legislators in attendance included Lt. Governor Randy McNally, Senator Richard Briggs, Senator Becky Duncan Massey, Representatives Roger Cane, Bill Dunn, Eddie Smith and Jason Zachary. Chapter officers in attendance included President, Tammy Hill, TN Connect Credit Union, 1st Vice President, Andrew Bounds, Y-12 Federal Credit Union, 2nd Vice President, Vicki Swartz, Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union, 3rd Vice President, Charlene Berkenstock, Enrichment Federal Credit Union, Treasurer, Beth Cochran, ORNL Federal Credit Union.

“As a Chapter we wanted to do something to honor our Legislators. We truly appreciate their commitment to serve as advocates for their local credit unions and look forward to collaborating with them to better serve our members,” said Hill.

The Tennessee Credit Union League is the representing body for the credit unions of Tennessee before the federal and state legislative bodies. The mission of the League’s Advocacy department is to strengthen and preserve the credit union movement in Tennessee. The Knoxville area Chapter is one of seven chapters in the Tennessee Credit Union League. Each chapter carries on services that tend to promote cooperation among credit unions within the chapters, promote League membership and conduct affairs consistent with credit union development.

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