Tennessee Credit Unions to Host Families Facing a Terminal Illness This October In Nashville 

One in 20 children will lose a parent before turning 16 years old. There is an array of emotions with any loss, but especially for children who are just beginning to navigate their emotions.

Inheritance of Hope is a nonprofit that helps children and families facing the loss of a parent. The nonprofit hosts retreats to allow families to create a legacy-building experience they will remember forever.

The Tennessee Credit Union League is honored to help host an Inspire Hope Credit Union Retreat, Oct. 25-27, in Nashville for ten families. There are only a few retreats this year, with nearly 200 families on the waiting list.

How Your Credit Union Can Help

We still need donations to help fund the retreat. Many children describe their time at an Inheritance of Hope retreat as life changing. During a retreat, they meet friends who are going through the same situation they are in. They meet friends who get it. That’s what your support does—it gives children with a parent with a terminal illness a chance to feel normal, even if it is just a weekend—always at no cost to their families.

We invite you to help us reach our goal of $75,000. You can also donate items for the goodie bags.

Learn more by visiting the Inspire Hope Credit Union Retreat page.

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